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The “coca garlanda” pastry originates from the Penedès region, the region of Catalonia with a designation of origin that produces the most wine. It is a sweet ring-shaped cake traditionally eaten at Easter. Its signature ingredient is green anise, known in Catalan as “matafaluga”. In the town of Sant Esteve Sesrovires, the garlanda comes in two sizes; large, to be given out to the public on the day of the “Ball de Garlandes” or “Garlanda Dance”; and small, which the dancers buy on the day to give to their partners at the start of the dance.
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  • Sybarite

    “Para los Gourmands de la Moda”

    The SYBARITE collection is inspired by confectionery, which pleases the palate and the eye with its textures, tastes and colors. Each SYBARITE model bears the name of a dessert, which hides a singular and little-known origin. SYBARITE is the ultimate expression of design and quality, created for fashion gourmands who want to dress every look with exclusivity and elegance.


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